SQL Saturday 358 – Albuquerque


I’m once again honored to be selected to speak at SQL Saturday 358 – Albuquerque, New Mexico.  This will be my second time actually speaking there and last year was simply epic for me.  The event was simply fantastic and I’m really looking forward to returning to the beautiful New Mexico landscape.

If you have nothing better to do on Saturday, February 7th 2015, come on out and get your learn on.  The schedule for this event is quite impressive and there will be a TON of things to learn.  Come, join us and learn something.

Oh yeah, I’m speaking!

Social Networking Is Alive!

SocialMediaIsAlive!Social media is every where these days and if you’re not on the train, you could be missing out.  This session is about how you can use social media to improve not only your professional life, but your personal one as well.  This session isn’t geared to specifically geeks (totally non-technical), but to anybody who wishes to improve their online presence through the use of social networking.  It’s a fun session and I hope that the attendee’s enjoy it!!

HINT: I will show you how to get free SQL Server help from one of the popular social networks.  How would you like to tell your management that you solved a real world enterprise level issue with the help of social media?  For free?

Yes, that has actually happened.

You might even see reference to a popular YouTube video.

Free Training

Can you really pass up on free training?  Ok, even with lunch it’s only $10!  So if you’re still on the fence on attending, get off the fence, register, come on out and learn something.  Meet some new people.  Grab some swag and a fantastic lunch.  I promise you that the speakers won’t bite.  Register now!!

Get your learn on!  Expand your horizons and break out of the ordinary.  You know you want to.

Why are you still here?  Go.  Register.  Do it now! See you in Albuquerque!!


© 2015, John Morehouse. All rights reserved.

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